Lectures and pedagogical workshops for primary school teachers

17 September 2018
Mariborska 2, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
The purpose of lectures and pedagogical workshops will be focused on improving the competencies and skills of primary school teachers in teaching content about renewable energy sources. The aim is to raise the level of awareness and promotion of sustainable development and the use of renewable energy sources, while at the same time adapting this content to the educational goals.
Namen predavanj in pedagoških delavnic bo usmerjen v izboljšanje kompetenc in veščin učiteljev OŠ pri poučevanju vsebin o obnovljivih virih energije. Cilj cikla je dvigniti raven ozaveščanja in promocije o trajnostnem razvoju in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije ter hkrati to vsebino prilagoditi učnim ciljem izobraževanja v OŠ.