Participating towns and cities

Czech RepublicSokolov, Czech Republic

25.310 inhabitants
Městský úřad
Petra Němečková
Rokycanova 1929
356 01 Sokolov
(++420) 359808200
Sokolov already registered 6x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

Participation 2008

Activities within the week Activities within the week

Sokolov organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2008, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
Třetí den studenti středních škol jeli na sokolovských cyklostezkách na kolech, koloběžkách, bruslích. Také oni nsakonec vytvářeli kolektivně plakát k ETM. Večer byl v kinokavárně Alfa promítán film: „Drsné procitnutí“ o naprosté závislosti současného lidstva na ropě.

Permanent measures Permanent measures

Sokolov implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Improvement of bicycle network (creation of new lanes, extension, renovation, signposting etc)
Improvement of infrastructure (new foot bridges, pavements, road crossings, zebra crossings etc)
Traffic calming and access control scheme
Speed reduction programmes in zones near schools
Create park and ride stations
Create the tactile pavements
Create useful tool for people with reduced mobility
Further info
Trvalé opatření
q Osvětlení dvou přechodů ve městě
q Výstavba cyklostezky ze Sokolova do Kynšperka nad Ohří

Car-free day Car-free day

Sokolov carries out a Car-Free Day 2008 and closes off one or more streets to traffic, and opens it to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.

Zone opened to residents on Car-Free Day:
Sportovní street