Participating towns and cities

RomaniaSebes, Romania

27.680 inhabitants
Protectia mediului, Control Comercial
Simona Ekart
Sebes, str.P-ta Primariei nr.1
515800 Romania Sebes
(++40) 744 693233

Participation 2010

Activities within the week Activities within the week

Sebes organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2010, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
-diseminarea de materiale informativ-educative, ce au ca tema loggoul -Calatorind mai inteligent, traim mai bine,,
-monitorizarea calitatii aerului in parteneriat cu APM Alba prin statia de monitorizare industriala-AB 2

Permanent measures Permanent measures

Sebes implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Develop public bicycle hiring and sharing systems
Improvement of bicycle facilities (parking, locks etc)
Create or enlarge pedestrian streets
Improvement of infrastructure (new foot bridges, pavements, road crossings, zebra crossings etc)
Public transport services
Use of ecological vehicles for public transport fleets
Development of new technologies to improve public transport
The development of accessible transport services for all
Traffic calming and access control scheme
Speed reduction programmes in zones near schools
Reduction of outside parking zones
New traffic regulations: traffic circulation and parking
Create wheelchair ramps
Enlargement of pavements
Removal of architectonic barriers
Create useful tool for people with reduced mobility
New forms of vehicle use and ownership
Use of clean vehicles
Freight distribution
Use of clean vehicles
Mobility management
Adoption of workplace travel plans
Adoption of school travel plans
Create/establish mobility centers and on-line information services (eg travel planner)
Launch of awareness-raising campaigns
Elaboration of educational materials
Permanent access restriction to city centres
Development of systems and equipment for measuring air quality in public places
Organisation of regular fora or surveys on public opinions and ideas
Further info
-prezentarea datelor despre statia de monitorizare a calitatii aerului AB 2 in unitatile de invatamint din Sebes
-campanii de promovare a ,, mersului pe bicicleta,, in cadrul proiectului Urbact II-Active Network Travel
-organizarea de competitii sportive sportive pentru diferite virste si la diverse discipline in cadrul proiectului Urbact II-Active Travel Network
-participarea la intilnirile de lucru cu partenerii externi ai proiectului Urbact II-Active Travel Network
- reamenajarea si modernizarea spatiilor verzi-reabilitarea parcului Tineretului
-montarea de limitatoare de viteza pe principalele artre rutiere
-masuri de fluidizare a traficului
- amenajarea unor locuri pentru parcarea bicicletelor in cadrul proiectului Urbact II-Active Travel Network -parteneriat cu institutii publice , agenti economici , supermarket

Car-free day Car-free day

Sebes carries out a Car-Free Day 2010 and closes off one or more streets to traffic, and opens it to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.

Zone opened to residents on Car-Free Day:
-str.Pietei-in data de 16.09.2010 intre orele 06.00-12.00