Participating towns and cities

ItalyRovereto, Italy

38.000 inhabitants
Assessorato alla risorsa ambientale e turismo
Gianpaolo Daicampi
Piazza Podestà, 11
38068 Rovereto
(++39) 0464452317
Rovereto already registered 4x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2014 2013 2012 2011

Participation 2013

Activities within the week Activities within the week

Rovereto organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2013, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
Alberi all’aria Percorso a piedi nel bosco del Colle di Miravalle per scoprire le essenze arboree e gli altri biondicatori della qualità dell'aria

Permanent measures Permanent measures

Rovereto implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Improvement of bicycle network (creation of new lanes, extension, renovation, signposting etc)
Develop public bicycle hiring and sharing systems
Create or enlarge pedestrian streets
Public transport services
Use of ecological vehicles for public transport fleets
Development of new technologies to improve public transport
Traffic calming and access control scheme
New traffic regulations: traffic circulation and parking
Enlargement of pavements
Removal of architectonic barriers
New forms of vehicle use and ownership
Launch of online car-pooling and car-sharing schemes
Mobility management
Adoption of workplace travel plans
Adoption of school travel plans
Launch of awareness-raising campaigns
Elaboration of educational materials
Organisation of regular fora or surveys on public opinions and ideas
Further info
Ciclolab – Riciclofficina
Mercatino delle bici e degli accessori usati

Car-free day Car-free day

Rovereto carries out a Car-Free Day 2013 and closes off one or more streets to traffic, and opens it to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.

Zone opened to residents on Car-Free Day:
sabato 21 nella zona del centro si terrà la Fisherman's Friend Strongmanrun Rovereto 2013 –gara podistica ad ostacoli di 19 km
Domenica 22 StrongBabyRun Rovereto 2013 gara podistica ad ostacoli di 2 km riservata a ragazzi dagli 8 ai 13