Participating towns and cities

ItalyJesi, Italy

40.000 inhabitants
Relazioni Esterne
Simone Brunori
Piazza Indipendenza, 1
60035 - Jesi (AN)
(++39) 0731538440
Jesi already registered 3x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2023 2021 2013

Participation 2013

Activities within the week Activities within the week

Jesi organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2013, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
Nell’ambito dell’ European Mobilty Week 2013 il Comune di Jesi ha deciso di partecipare organizzando due eventi tra loro collegati e ricadenti all’interno del progetto INTERMODAL – INTERmodality MOdel for the Development of the Adriatic Littoral. Il Progetto INTERMODAL, finanziato integralmente attraverso il programma IPA Adriatico 2011 (, prevede, attraverso lo scambio di esperienze e buone pratiche, l’identificazione, l’implementazione e la promozione di politiche locali di trasporto urbano intermodale.

In particolare, il progetto mira a sviluppare percorsi di intermodalità urbana funzionali sia agli spostamenti dei pendolari sia agli spostamenti dei turisti da/verso il centro città, usufruendo di servizi di informativi aggiornati e avendo la possibilità di acquistare un ticket unico (Bus + bicicletta elettrica) posso agevolmente ed in modo sostenibile spostarsi e visitare la città.

L’iniziativa si svilupperà nelle seguenti giornate:

- il giorno 21 settembre ore 10.00 presso la sala consiglio del Comune di Jesi sarà organizzato un seminario durante il quale sarà lanciato ufficialmente il tema della Intermodalità nella Città di Jesi. Nello specifico verrà presentato il progetto INTERMODAL e l’iniziativa MOBILITY DAY che sarà invece organizzata il giorno successivo. All’incontro saranno invitati a partecipare i membri del Local Mobility Board costituitosi lo scorso giugno e alcuni esperti di mobilità sostenibile. Saranno inoltre invitati tutti i soggetti economici che operano nell’ambito del settore mobilità e trasporti locali e gli operatori del settore turistico.

- Nei giorno 22 – 23 – 24- 25 settembre, in concomitanza con la Fiera di San Settimio, Patrono di Jesi, sarà organizzata l’iniziativa: “Clean Air: it’s your move”. Nello specifico verrà allestito per il 22 settembre un punto informativo presso l’ufficio turismo in Piazza della Repubblica. L’ufficio sarà aperto per tutta la mattinata. Nei giorni 23-24-25 settembre, durante la tre giorni di fiera, verrà invece allestito uno stand dedicato alla mobilità sostenibile e all’intermodalità presso Piazza Ghislieri. Tutte le iniziative saranno pubbliche e aperte alla partecipazione della cittadinanza e di chi fosse interessato.

Permanent measures Permanent measures

Jesi implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Improvement of bicycle network (creation of new lanes, extension, renovation, signposting etc)
Develop public bicycle hiring and sharing systems
Improvement of bicycle facilities (parking, locks etc)
Public transport services
Use of ecological vehicles for public transport fleets
Launch of integrated services for the various public transport modes
The development of accessible transport services for all
Traffic calming and access control scheme
Create park and ride stations
Launch of accessibility plans
New forms of vehicle use and ownership
Launch of online car-pooling and car-sharing schemes
Use of clean vehicles
Freight distribution
Developing of a Green City Logistic System
Mobility management
Adoption of school travel plans
Create/establish mobility centers and on-line information services (eg travel planner)
Launch of awareness-raising campaigns
Elaboration of educational materials
Development of travel plans / mobility plans in consultation with local stakeholders
Permanent access restriction to city centres
Organisation of regular fora or surveys on public opinions and ideas
Further info
- INTERMODAL Project: Within the INTERMODAL Project, the City of Jesi will develop an integrated approach to the sustainable mobility services. The main objective of the project is to encourage citizens and tourists to use Local Public Transports, bike-sharing and car-pooling systems and other sustainable way of moving. This will be possible through the development of an integrated card that facilitates the systematic movements (home-school, home and place of work) and those of tourist entertainment.

- ESTABLISHMENT of a permanent LOCAL MOBILITY BOARD: The LMB is formed by key local stakeholders interested in the topic of sustainable mobility.

- GUIDELINES for strengthening the Cyclo-Mobility in JESI: BICIPLAN.
The guidelines were made through a participatory process, collecting information, tips and advices of users and citizens from the City website.

- JESINBICI Project: Thanks to the contributions of the Marche Region and the Ministry of Environment has been possible to implement the system of bike-sharing with the installation of four stations for a total of 36 stations and 21 electric bicycles. The system is powered by a photovoltaic roof installed at the railway station.

- PEDIBUS PROJECT: The project involves four School institutes and aims, through the involvement of teachers and parents, to reduce the concentration of cars around schools with a consequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, promoting physical activity, supporting children in learning facts about road safety, allowing them to move towards a gradual autonomy.

- NO STRESS - PARKING: Improvement of Park and Ride modality of transport in the urban area

- GREEN CITY LOGISTICS: The Municipality is working on the implementation of new logistics model for the old City Centre introducing new park and ride systems and green vehicles for the last mile delivering of freights and goods. It’s an on going measure, not completely adopted. At the moment, the Municipality is on studying phase.

Car-free day Car-free day

Jesi carries out a Car-Free Day 2013 and closes off one or more streets to traffic, and opens it to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.

Zone opened to residents on Car-Free Day:
The whole area of the old town will be interested by an access restriction: on the 22th of September, for the mobility day, all the historic centre and the areas near to it, will be restricted to the private car.