Participating towns and cities

France35 - Val d'Ille, France

19.000 inhabitants
La Métairie
35520 Montreuil le Gast 35 - Val d'Ille
(++33) 0299698686
35 - Val d'Ille already registered 2x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2014 2013

Participation 2013

Activities within the week Activities within the week

35 - Val d'Ille organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2013, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
Différentes animations sont proposées dans le programme de l'évènement pour inciter et donner les moyens aux personnes résidant sur le territoire ou y travaillant de se déplacer autrement que seules en voiture, en lien avec le schéma modes doux en cours de réalisation.

Permanent measures Permanent measures

35 - Val d'Ille implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Improvement of bicycle network (creation of new lanes, extension, renovation, signposting etc)
Develop public bicycle hiring and sharing systems
Improvement of bicycle facilities (parking, locks etc)
Improvement of infrastructure (new foot bridges, pavements, road crossings, zebra crossings etc)
Traffic calming and access control scheme
Create park and ride stations
Launch of accessibility plans
New forms of vehicle use and ownership
Responsible car-use (eco-driving etc)
Mobility management
Adoption of workplace travel plans
Launch of awareness-raising campaigns
Development of travel plans / mobility plans in consultation with local stakeholders
Provision of incentives and bonuses to employers
Launch of seamless transport modes to facilitate access to business areas or other social areas
Create systems for buses and walking trains
Organisation of regular fora or surveys on public opinions and ideas
Further info
Aménagement de 20 kms de pistes cyclables, de 3 aires de covoiturage et de 2 haltes TER. Mise en place d'abris vélos dont des box sécurisés au niveau des parkings des haltes TER et des aires de covoiturage.
Lancement d'un service de location moyenne et longue durée de vélos à assistance électrique, principalement pour des trajets domicile-travail, en milieu rural et péri-urbain.