Participating towns and cities

Republic of North MacedoniaVeles, Republic of North Macedonia

43.716 inhabitants
European Integration and Local Economic Development Department
Slavica Gajdova
Str. Panko Brashnar No.1
1400 Veles
(++389) 70609495
Veles already registered 11x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2002

Participation 2023

Activities within the week Activities within the week

Veles organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2023, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
10:00 - 12:00 Родители и деца, заедно за здрав живот. Parents and children, together for a healthy life.
19:00 - 20:00 Велес на велосипед. Bike around Veles
12:00 - 13:00 Излези од кола, качи се на точак. Ditch Your Car & Ride Your Bike.
10:00 - 12:00 Безбедно пешачење и возење велосипед. Safety walking and cycling.
10:00 - 12:00 Заедно за подобро утре. Together for a better tomorrow.
10:00 - 14:00 Донации во спортски реквизити и велосипеди. Donations in sports equipment and bicycles.
16:15 - 19:00 Пешачиме и возиме до Вршник. Walking and cycling tour to the peak of Vrshnik.
16 September
Едукативна и интерактивна работилница со децата и нивни родители од детската градинка „Димче Мирчев“, Велес.

Educational and interactive workshop with the children and their parents from the kindergarten "Dimche Mirchev", Veles.
17 September
Посета на велешките споменици со велосипед. Турата ја организара Општина Велес во соработка со здружението „Велес Бајкинг”, Велес.

Visiting Veles monuments by bicycle. The tour is organized by the Municipality of Veles in cooperation with the NGO "Veles Biking", Veles
18 September
Работилница со млади за промоција на велосипедот како алтернативно превозно средство (интерактивен квиз за млади), Младински центар, Велес.

Workshop with young people on the promotion of the bicycle as an alternative means of transport (interactive quiz for young people), Youth Center, Veles.
19 September
Eдукативна работилница од страна на МВР – СВР Велес со ученици од ООУ„ Рајко Жинзифов“-Оризари-Велес.

Educational workshop for pupils from primary school "Rajko Zinzifov" - Orizari, presented by police officers, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, Sector Veles.
20 September
Заедно за подобро утре. Грижата на заедницата за лицата со пореченост. Европска куќа, Велес.

Together for a better tomorrow. Community care for people with disabilities. Europe House, Veles.
21 September
Примопредавање на донации во спортски реквизити и велосипеди со цел зајакнување на свеста кај младите за рекреирање и користење на велосипед.

Нестлé Адриатик д.о.о.е.л Македонија

Being active in childhood means children are more likely to be active later in life and it is an important part of developing a lifelong healthy lifestyle. By donation of bicycles and sports equipment to the municipal schools and kindergarten, we are raising children's awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

Nestlé Adriatic d.o.o.e.l Makedonija
22 September
Рекреативна пешачка и велосипедска тура до врвот Вршник (off road патека). Турата ја организара Општина Велес во соработка со здружението „Грин Пауер” и „Велес Бајкинг” од Велес.
Целна група: сите граѓани на Општина Велес / млади луѓе од Велес / екселенции, други високи функционери и други претставници од различни амбасади, домашни и меѓународни организации / претставници од локални невладини организации од Велес.
Поддржувачи: Црвен крст од Велес / волонтери од Младински центар од Велес / локални и национални медиуми.

Recreational walking and cycling tour to the peak of Vrshnik, Veles (off road trail). The tour is organized by the Municipality of Veles in cooperation with the NGO "Green Power" and "Veles Biking", Veles.
Target group: all citizens of the Municipality of Veles / young people from Veles / their Excellences, other high officials and other representatives from different Embassies, domestic and international Organizations / representatives from local NGOs from Veles.
Supporters: the Municipal Department of the Red Cross from Veles / volunteers from the Youth Center from Veles / local and national media.

Permanent measures Permanent measures

Veles implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Improvement of bicycle network (creation of new lanes, extension, renovation, signposting etc) planned
Develop public bicycle hiring and sharing systems planned
Improvement of infrastructure (new foot bridges, pavements, road crossings, zebra crossings etc)
Extension or creation of new greenways planned
Public transport services
Improvement and extension of the public transport network (creation of HOV lanes for public transport modes, new stops, new lines, reserved areas etc) planned
Improvement and extension of the public transport services (express services, increase frequency etc) planned
Use of ecological vehicles for public transport fleets planned
Development of new technologies to improve public transport planned
Launch of integrated services for the various public transport modes planned
Traffic calming and access control scheme
Speed reduction programmes in zones near schools
Create park and ride stations
Create wheelchair ramps planned
Lowering of pavements planned
New forms of vehicle use and ownership
Launch of online car-pooling and car-sharing schemes planned
Charging points for electric vehicles planned
Freight distribution
Introducing cargo bikes planned
Mobility management
Permanent access restriction to city centres planned
Development of systems and equipment for measuring air quality in public places
Organisation of regular fora or surveys on public opinions and ideas
Further info
Моментално работиме на изработка на техничка документација за велосипедска и пешачка патека која ќе го поврзе градот со Езеро Младост во должина од околу 18 километри.

We are currently working on the preparation of technical documentation for a bicycle and pedestrian path that will connect the city with Lake Mladost in a length of about 18 kilometers.