Participating towns and cities

TurkeyTosya, Kastamonu, Turkey

40.000 inhabitants
Press and public relations
Mustafa Kürşat Bazlamatçı
Kargı Mahallesi Cumhuriyet Meydanı No:18 Tosya /Kastamonu
37300 Tosya, Kastamonu
(++90) 5432011845
Tosya, Kastamonu already registered 2x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2023 2020

Participation 2023

Activities within the week Activities within the week

Tosya, Kastamonu organises activities during EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2023, taking into account the annual theme.

All week
During the EU Mobility Week events will be organizing several types of activities by different departments of the institution.