Participating towns and cities

HungarySzigetvár, Hungary

10.646 inhabitants
Szigetvár Város Önkormányzat
Gasparik Ildikó
7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi tér 1.
(++36) 73 514 323
Szigetvár already registered 5x for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK in: 2017 2013 2012 2010 2009

Participation 2012

Permanent measures Permanent measures

Szigetvár implements one or more new permanent measure(s), which contribute(s) to modal transfer from private car to environmentally sound means of transport.

New or improved bicycle facilities
Improvement of bicycle network (creation of new lanes, extension, renovation, signposting etc)
Create or enlarge pedestrian streets
Further info
A belváros rehabilitációjával együtt új kerékpárút kerül kialakításra.

Car-free day Car-free day

Szigetvár carries out a Car-Free Day 2012 and closes off one or more streets to traffic, and opens it to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.

Zone opened to residents on Car-Free Day:
Még nem realizálódott.